Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Quarterly update on the Willetts

I really feel like the worst at this blogging thing. I do love the idea of it.... but blogging might not happen so often with 3 kids and this not being a top priority.
that being said, I hope you all enjoy the new pics I am posting of my crew.

Little Mike has grown so much! he is about to be 9 months old in about a week! He is yet to be mobile but loves to sit up on his own like a big boy. He has been at 20 lbs for several months now, he is just getting taller and not so chubby anymore. Before a few days ago he hated being on his tummy for any amount of time. Now he will tolerate it for more than 5 mins at a time and he will turn in a whole circle looking for toys close by. Only a short time from now will we be keeping the girls toys out of his reach and keeping doors closed. 

Becca is finishing up her year in Kindergarten. She loves her friends and teachers. She is doing great in all areas and loves to please people most of all. 1st grade is getting closer and so is her 7th Birthday....which she talks about often! Of course neither will happen till the Fall :o)  

Izzy just had her 5th Birthday party! Izzy graduated from her KDO program where she has been learning social skills, and getting prepared for "big kid school"! She feels so big, and can't wait to be a big kid in her sister's school when she gets go to Kindergarten. 
I hope to post more often than what i have been doing! 
lots of love to all!